Divorce For Men In Minneapolis

Sometimes the hardest part of a divorce is realizing that it is over and time to move on. Once you decide that divorce is inevitable, you likely want it to be over as quickly as possible.

It is good to stay focused on your goals to save yourself financial costs and stress of divorce, but remember that the decisions you make now are going to influence your life for many years to come. Make sure you work with an attorney who understands your goals and will be a true advocate for you.

Representation Tailored To Protecting Men In Divorce Proceedings

At Hajek Legal Services, we are a premier law firm that handles divorce for men in Minneapolis. Why do we focus on helping men through these issues? We have seen the ways Minnesota family courts are often biased against fathers, despite both mothers and fathers being equal under the law.

Your concerns will not fall on deaf ears when you contact our firm. We are here to help you get results in challenging issues like:

  • Fathers’ rights: Studies confirm that children do better in school and in adult relationships when fathers are actively involved in their lives. Unfortunately, some mothers are determined to do everything they can to take away the rights of their ex.
  • Child custody for men: Minnesota courts consider 13 factors in determining the best interests of the child in a child custody dispute.
  • Child support for men: Child support payments are based on a formula that considers, among other factors, the number of overnight visits you have with your children each year.
  • Property and asset division for men: Minnesota law presumes that you and your spouse contributed equally to your assets while you were married. As a result, marital assets are divided roughly equally, regardless of how unfair this may seem.
  • Spousal support for men: In Minnesota, spousal support is called maintenance. It may be paid to men or women.

We can help you, whether you are coming to us with pre-marital issues like prenuptial agreements, are just starting to consider your options in pre-divorce planning or are in the midst of a contentious legal dispute.

Do not hesitate to contact a lawyer at our firm. We offer the personal service and assertive advocacy you need to get results. We can be reached online or by telephone at 612 801 5067 .